To be understood more, we should all use Baskerville

45,000 readers took part in this experiment. And the answer is use Baskerville as your font of choice if you want to be understood more. This is interesting as it is an old font and originally designed for print, but the experiment was the on-line edition of the New York Times. There is another experiment … Continued

Child vaccination

I do like the way Hanes Rosling talks about data. Here he teams up with Bill Gates and a lot of grinning actors, but the core message still gets across. Use of language, a different style, props, actors. All used to cut through the usual dry approach to selling ideas. I like it, even if … Continued

Uk ignorance survey

This is from 2013, but I doubt it has changed much. I like the way Hans Rosling is on a mission to change our perceptions of the world and uses different ways of presenting data to get his message across.  This survey is just a table, but the results (our ignorance) is startling.   Highlights … Continued

When to rob a bank, Dubner and Levitt

Just started reading this book and it is fun.  Then Stephen Dubner is on Today programme this morning promoting it.   Morning ‘best time to rob a bank’, 26/05/2015, Today – BBC Radio 4   When to Rob a Bank: …and 131 More Warped Suggestions and Well-Intended Rants

Tribal Business School

Interesting talk recently from Jo Owen. He relates stories from tribes that have flourished in today’s world by adapting the lessons learnt from hundreds of years of experience.  Something for everyone to learn. Home – Leadership Partnership

Jargon is Jibberish

That headline is a quote is from Alan Alda.  He has a goal of making science accessible to everyone find more. I work with many people on how to present ideas more effectively to help them sell more.  Some work in jargon rich environments [companies?] which are all complicated and special.  Usually, someone will say, ‘But we have to … Continued

Is it a no-no to end a sentence with the word “of”?

A nice discussion on Quora: The short answer is that it is ok if the sentence makes sense. Write like you speak. Some of the comments I enjoyed are below: It is not unheard of. Winston Churchill, reprimanded by his editor for ending a sentence with a preposition, put it best: “This is the sort … Continued

Well-Being index from Gallup

Gallup and Healthways have developed a comprehensive, definitive source of well-being measurement, the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being 5. This scientific survey instrument and reporting experience measures, tracks and reports on the well-being of individuals and organizations. The five essential elements of well-being are: Purpose: liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your goals … Continued

Words that sell

Interesting info-graphic John Caples book Tested Advertising Methods talks in detail about how words work as well.