Is it a no-no to end a sentence with the word “of”?

A nice discussion on Quora:

The short answer is that it is ok if the sentence makes sense. Write like you speak.

Some of the comments I enjoyed are below:

  • It is not unheard of.
  • Winston Churchill, reprimanded by his editor for ending a sentence with a preposition, put it best: “This is the sort of thing up with which I will not put.”

From Rutgers professor Jack Lynch:

Prepositions at the End:  Along with split infinitives, a favorite bugbear of the traditionalists. Whatever the merit of the rule — and both historically and logically, there’s not much — there’s a substantial body of opinion against end-of-sentence prepositions; if you want to keep the crusty old-timers happy, try to avoid ending written sentences (and clauses) with prepositions, such asto,with, from, at, and in. Instead of writing “The topics we want to write on,” where the preposition on ends the clause, consider “The topics on which we want to write.” Prepositions should usually go before (pre-position) the words they modify.

On the other hand — and it’s a big other hand — old-timers shouldn’t always dictate your writing, and you don’t deserve your writing license if you elevate this rough guideline into a superstition. Don’t let it make your writing clumsy or obscure; if a sentence is more graceful with a final preposition, let it stand. For instance, “He gave the public what it longed for” is clear and idiomatic, even though it ends with a preposition; “He gave the public that for which it longed” avoids the problem but doesn’t look like English. A sentence becomes unnecessarily obscure when it’s filled with from whoms and with whiches.



It’s bedtime. Dad says “Go upstairs and get ready and I’ll come up to read to you.”   He brings up the wrong book and his child says

“Daddy, what did you bring that book I don’t want to be read to out of up for?”


Should you end a sentence with a preposition? Or perhaps with six of them…
An Australian decides to visit his cousin in London. The cousin, however, doesn’t think much of England when compared with Oz. He asks, “What do you want to come up here from down under for?”