What skills are businesses looking for in their prospective employees?

CBI and Pearson recently promoted some research into what businesses are looking for in school leavers and what needs to change in our current education system. Interesting to note that only 20% of all jobs require a graduate qualification. Launching the research Rod Bristow, UK President of Pearson, said: “The connection between education and the … Continued

Helpful hint: getting and keeping the best staff money can’t buy

Engaging staff with little or no additional cost to the bottom line is a challenge facing all businesses today. Line managers are crying out for salary and bonus increases to retain their best staff but HR and the executive say ‘no’. However, the good news is that money, according to Daniel Pink and the Centre … Continued

Helpful hint: engaging in tough times

This blog is more of a helpful ‘insight’ rather than ‘hint’. It does, however, go to the heart of one of OD practitioners’ key concerns: how to engage when times are tough and budgets tight. This sets the context and over the coming weeks I’ll provide some further no or low cost ideas to engage … Continued

Does it matter what people think of you?

In a word, yes. It really does matter what people think of you and how you are perceived – but it shouldn’t be the be all and end all. The reality of life is that most people can’t help but be affected by other peoples’ impressions of them and therefore how people react to them. … Continued

Why our Education System is obsolete

This is from a recent article from Forbes commenting on the US education system. Unfortunately there are direct parallels with our own education practices which focus far too much on passing exams rather than equipping children with life skills – like teamworking, collaboration, and creative thinking. America’s last competitive advantage — its ability to innovate … Continued

Creating a culture, deliberately

Posted by Derek Irvine, senior vice president of global strategy at Globoforce No company will build the same culture, but every organisation should focus intentional effort on building the right culture for them. Culture starts at the top Lynn Ann Casey, CEO of arcAspicio: “It is important to sustain our culture with every new hire … Continued

Helpful hint: the happiness dividend

Shawn Anchor wrote this in HBR. He’s a genuinely entertaining speaker and you can watch him at ted.com as well. Nearly every company in the world gives lip service to the idea that “our people are our greatest asset.” Yet when the Conference Board Survey came out earlier this year, employees were the unhappiest they … Continued

Are men more courageous than women?

Posted by: Alex Linley, CAPP To mark the UK release of his latest fascinating book, The Courage Quotient: How Science Can Make You Braver, I caught up again with the “Indiana Jones of Positive Psychology”, long time friend and Capp collaborator, Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener. In this interview, we focused our attention on how courage manifests, … Continued