Well-Being index from Gallup

Gallup and Healthways have developed a comprehensive, definitive source of well-being measurement, the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being 5. This scientific survey instrument and reporting experience measures, tracks and reports on the well-being of individuals and organizations. The five essential elements of well-being are: Purpose: liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your goals … Continued

Linda Gratton’s future of work and careers

In Linda Gratton’s new book, The Shift: the future of work is already here, she talks about the forces that will shape work and careers in the future and what we should do to build a career that will stand the test of time. Her ten top tips are here: 1. Don’t be fooled into walking … Continued

How To Convince Others – Communicating

Convincing others that your idea is the right one can be frustrating. Sometimes, no matter how good the idea is, words get in the way and people fail to catch your drift. So how do you get other people to listen? Firstly you need to understand about different psychological types. Writing in 1921, the psychologist … Continued

The Ultimate Question – Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter is a customer loyalty metric developed by (and a registered trademark of) Fred Reichheld, Bain & Company, and Satmetrix. It was introduced by Reichheld in his 2003 Harvard Business Review article “The One Number You Need to Grow”. (and expanded into a book The Ultimate Question, 2006 HBS Press) Companies obtain their Net … Continued

Repetition, Repetition, Repetition

Each February the Edelman Trust Barometer comes out and it really should be read by all involved in employee communications. The Trust Barometer studies the concept of trust as it relates to business, corporate reputation and corporate communications among a very specific audience: college-educated, top quartile of income by age group, and follows business/news media and policy … Continued

Working remotely

Some thoughts on working remotely. Is there anyone out there? | The Sunday Times

Don’t go with your gut….

According to the results of a study by workplace psychologists OPP, 71% of all line managers would change the people decisions they’ve made if given a second chance. It’s an indictment on the “gut instinct” culture that costs UK businesses millions of pounds in performance issues each year. Worryingly, nearly four in ten (39%) line … Continued

How to get what you want….

I’ve been writing some emails on behalf of a client and thought I should start sharing these gems via the blog. So here goes my first one… Have you ever thought about the best way to get what you want? How is it that others around you seem to get what they want and you … Continued

Poor management ‘costing Wales billions’

A key way to enhance efficiency, Proudfoot director Crispin White said, is to focus attention on the skills and morale of frontline supervisors, “These are the people who probably get the least management input and are told the least, but they are the ones who are in control and know what is going on,” he … Continued